Underwriters at TRU work with appointed Wholesale Brokers to create customized insurance solutions for complex risks during the course of construction. Our dedicated and experienced team is committed to ensuring your clients receive exceptional service and innovative solutions, tailored specifically to their projects.


  • Capacity: $200M+
  • Policy Term: 60 months


  • Capacity: $175M+
  • Policy Term: 36 months


  • Capacity: $150M+
    • Coastal Windstorm
    • California Earthquake
    • Pacific Northwest Earthquake
    • Special Flood Hazard Areas
  • Critical CAT coverage may be included within an All-Risk program, stand-alone, or on an excess DIC basis

Target Market

  • Wholesale Brokers Only

Target Classes

  • Large Wood Frame Projects
  • Superior Construction
  • Projects including Natural Catastrophe Risks
  • Developer Master Programs
  • Four-Wall Construction (e.g., Mixed Use, Senior Housing, Student Housing, Hospitality, Military, Public Entities)
  • Utility (e.g., Wastewater Treatment Plants)
  • Street and Road
  • Difference in Conditions (Primary and Excess)
  • Deductible Buy-Downs

TRU’s Minimum Premium is $25,000

The description of this program is only a summary of available coverages. Actual policy language will dictate the scope of coverage in the event of a claim. We encourage policyholders and their agents, to read the full policy form and any applicable endorsements for full terms and conditions

Underwriters at TRU work with appointed Retail Brokers to create customized insurance solutions for complex risks during the course of construction. Our dedicated and experienced team is committed to ensuring your clients receive exceptional service and innovative solutions, tailored specifically to their projects.


  • Capacity Up To $100M
  • Policy Term: 60 months
  • Minimum TIV $25M


  • Capacity Up To $100M
  • Policy Term: 36 months / 42 months with Extension
  • Minimum TIV $25M


  • Capacity Up To $100M
    • BC Earthquake
    • Windstorm
    • Special Flood Hazard Areas

Target Market

  • Retail Brokers

Target Classes

  • Large Wood Frame Projects
  • Superior Construction
  • Projects including Natural Catastrophe Risks
  • Occupancies to include Multi-Family, Institutional (Including Schools, Hospitals, Offices, etc.), Hospitality and Mercantile / Retail
  • Developer Master Programs

The description of this program is only a summary of available coverages. Actual policy language will dictate the scope of coverage in the event of a claim. We encourage policyholders and their agents, to read the full policy form and any applicable endorsements for full terms and conditions

By aligning with TRU, large Developers and General Contractors (GCs) will have the advantage of our custom coverage programs and life cycle risk management approach.

Large GCs and developers face complex construction projects, which entail numerous risk factors far beyond those present for in-place property risks: collapse of incomplete structures, fire/theft/water-damage of construction materials staged on the site, fire-exposures related to construction activities such as welding, roof-tarring, system testing, and water intrusion. But far beyond just insuring the “unusual risks” that these projects face, a savvy contractor or developer aligns themselves with construction specialists like TRU because of the value TRU can add with regards to critical risk factors such as exposure identification and mitigation, project planning, onsite loss prevention, and engineering services. These are the differentiators that limit uncertainty and can save contractors money in the unfortunate event of a loss.

Working with TRU helps brokers win business with their GC and developer clients and drive bottom line results. All contractors and developers are market-driven to find novel ways to protect themselves against unexpected losses and other sources of uncertainty. Budgets are stressed and insureds and financing sources are more demanding than ever. That’s where TRU’s expertise and ability to customize coverage programs really makes a difference for our brokers’ clients.

The TRU approach to providing insurance for construction projects has many “value add” elements. TRU’s comprehensive risk management method commits our in-house engineering resources for a regular and rigorous schedule of loss prevention inspections. This serves the vital purpose of informing all parties —insureds and brokers alike—about critical exposures, project conditions, and mitigation steps that should to be considered to reduce the likelihood of costly damage and/or delay scenarios.

TRU is proud to underwrite market-leading capacity on behalf of the following insurance carriers:

Any carrier ratings contained herein are as of 11/30/23. A.M. Best ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation. To confirm the current rating, please visit www.ambest.com.

Underwriters at TRU work with appointed Wholesale Brokers to create customized insurance solutions for complex risks during the course of construction. Our dedicated and experienced team is committed to ensuring your clients receive exceptional service and innovative solutions, tailored specifically to their projects.


  • Capacity: $200M+
  • Policy Term: 60 months


  • Capacity: $175M+
  • Policy Term: 36 months


  • Capacity: $150M+
    • Coastal Windstorm
    • California Earthquake
    • Pacific Northwest Earthquake
    • Special Flood Hazard Areas
  • Critical CAT coverage may be included within an All-Risk program, stand-alone, or on an excess DIC basis

Target Market

  • Wholesale Brokers Only

Target Classes

  • Large Wood Frame Projects
  • Superior Construction
  • Projects including Natural Catastrophe Risks
  • Developer Master Programs
  • Four-Wall Construction (e.g., Mixed Use, Senior Housing, Student Housing, Hospitality, Military, Public Entities)
  • Utility (e.g., Wastewater Treatment Plants)
  • Street and Road
  • Difference in Conditions (Primary and Excess)
  • Deductible Buy-Downs

TRU’s Minimum Premium is $25,000

The description of this program is only a summary of available coverages. Actual policy language will dictate the scope of coverage in the event of a claim. We encourage policyholders and their agents, to read the full policy form and any applicable endorsements for full terms and conditions

Underwriters at TRU work with appointed Retail Brokers to create customized insurance solutions for complex risks during the course of construction. Our dedicated and experienced team is committed to ensuring your clients receive exceptional service and innovative solutions, tailored specifically to their projects.


  • Capacity Up To $100M
  • Policy Term: 60 months
  • Minimum TIV $25M


  • Capacity: $100M
  • Policy Term: 36 months / 42 months with Extension
  • Minimum TIV $25M


  • Capacity Up To $100M
    • BC Earthquake
    • Windstorm
    • Special Flood Hazard Areas

Target Market

  • Retail Brokers

Target Classes

  • Large Wood Frame Projects
  • Superior Construction
  • Projects including Natural Catastrophe Risks
  • Occupancies to include Multi-Family, Institutional (Including Schools, Hospitals, Offices, etc.), Hospitality and Mercantile / Retail
  • Developer Master Programs
  • Deductible Buy-Downs

The description of this program is only a summary of available coverages. Actual policy language will dictate the scope of coverage in the event of a claim. We encourage policyholders and their agents, to read the full policy form and any applicable endorsements for full terms and conditions

By aligning with TRU, large Developers and General Contractors (GCs) will have the advantage of our custom coverage programs and life cycle risk management approach.

Large GCs and developers face complex construction projects, which entail numerous risk factors far beyond those present for in-place property risks: collapse of incomplete structures, fire/theft/water-damage of construction materials staged on the site, fire-exposures related to construction activities such as welding, roof-tarring, system testing, and water intrusion. But far beyond just insuring the “unusual risks” that these projects face, a savvy contractor or developer aligns themselves with construction specialists like TRU because of the value TRU can add with regards to critical risk factors such as exposure identification and mitigation, project planning, onsite loss prevention, and engineering services. These are the differentiators that limit uncertainty and can save contractors money in the unfortunate event of a loss.

Working with TRU helps brokers win business with their GC and developer clients and drive bottom line results. All contractors and developers are market-driven to find novel ways to protect themselves against unexpected losses and other sources of uncertainty. Budgets are stressed and insureds and financing sources are more demanding than ever. That’s where TRU’s expertise and ability to customize coverage programs really makes a difference for our brokers’ clients.

The TRU approach to providing insurance for construction projects has many “value add” elements. TRU’s comprehensive risk management method commits our in-house engineering resources for a regular and rigorous schedule of loss prevention inspections. This serves the vital purpose of informing all parties —insureds and brokers alike—about critical exposures, project conditions, and mitigation steps that should to be considered to reduce the likelihood of costly damage and/or delay scenarios.

TRU is proud to underwrite market-leading capacity on behalf of the following insurance carriers:

HDI Global Specialty SE

AM Best “A XV” Rated
Standard & Poor’s “A+” Rated

Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s

AM Best “A” Rated (Excellent)
Standard & Poor’s “A+” Rated (Strong)
Fitch Ratings: “AA-” Rated (Very Strong)

Axis Specialty Europe SE

AM Best “A+ XV” Rated

Nationwide® – E&S/Specialty

AM Best “A+ XV” Rated
Fortune 100 Company (Princeton Excess & Surplus Lines Insurance Company)
AM Best “A+ XV” Rated

Crum & Forster Specialty Insurance Company

AM Best “A XIV” Rated
C&F and Crum & Forster are registered trademarks of United States Fire Insurance Company (“US Fire”) and are used with the permission of US Fire

Palomar Excess and Surplus Insurance Co.

AM Best “A-“ Rated

Any carrier ratings contained herein are as of 11/30/23. A.M. Best ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation. To confirm the current rating, please visit www.ambest.com.